Currently, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are not scheduling after
After Hour Events until a later date.
Chattanooga ISSA holds its events on a quarterly basis to include: lunch and networking with multiple speakers and sessions. These events are held on Tuesdays once per quarter. Doors open at 11:45 AM for networking and lunch with a meeting start time of 12:10 PM. Meetings wrap up at about 4:45 and CPEs are provided.
You are welcome to join us as a guest if you’re not currently a Chattanooga ISSA member! If you find value in attending our meetings and want to continue to participate, then we do ask that you become an ISSA member. Your membership provides great benefits to you and helps provide the funding needed to keep our chapter going. We appreciate it!
These meetings are held at downtown enterprise locations to align to our goal of reaching as many people as possible while providing a large community-type room with excellent AV, classroom style tables, and free parking.
We hope to be able to resume these F2F (Face to Face) events in February 2021. As of March 2020, all Chattanooga ISSA events are now Virtual Events.
Since March 2020, we have transitioned to Virtual Events on ZOOM. Our ZOOM events are usually held on the third Thursday of the month around lunchtime. Our ZOOM events have gotten rave reviews!
Members invite guests and all are welcome! Where else during a Pandemic can you connect with folks across the country and hear from national Subject Matter Experts? Usually around 1 ½ hours in length, these events provide the most informative, interesting, and timely education from SMEs around the US. We connect with speakers from all over to provide events that have no geographical divide!
Come join our large community that connects over ZOOM for a very fun, entertaining, and informative lunch and learn session.
CPEs (Continuing Education Credits) are provided.
Join the invite list?

Our After-Hours format is more casual and interactive than our regular chapter event. These events are designed for those unable to make regular meetings, for individuals from our larger local security community, and for other cybersecurity groups, as well as those who simply enjoy discussion with their peers and industry leading thinkers.
Come out and join us – you’ll get informative presentations in intimate settings
at great local venues, good food and refreshments, plus plenty of opportunity
to refresh and build your network with valuable connections.
Currently, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are not scheduling after
After Hour Events until a later date.

Image by The Westin Chattanooga via